PROJECT: Airstream Hotel Concept | Interior Design | 2023

DESCRIPTION: An incubator concept by a group of female friends, Santolina is an airstream hotel concept intended for the Texas Hill Country. Named Santolina after a local flower, the concept relied on an approachable and casual airstream hotel concept with shared public spaces. The interior of the airstream is clad in wood to feel like a cozy cabin with pops of color in the red window trim, a mosaic tile baseboard, custom rail that turns into the door handle, and a built in headboard. The space planning incorporates all of the necessary hotel room amenities— wardrobe, storage, mini fridge, lounge area, and a luxurious and spacious bathroom. The owners of Santolina are using this rendering, materials palette, and floorplan sketch in their deck to pitch the concept to various investors, and after they are funded Ember Studio will stay onboard to execute the project to completion.


Il Bracco


Thompson DC